Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Digital Marketing Increases your Brand Awareness

If you want, when people make a search on google, they should find your business then invest in search engine marketing​ ​​(SEM) & search engine optimization​ ​(​SEO).

If you want to involve your potential customer at a more casual and personal level, want to make them fan of your brand, do social media marketing(​SMM) ie. Facebook, ​T​witter, ​Y​ou​tube​ etc​.

If you wan​t to update your customer regularly about your industry, business, or product, do ​E​mail ​& ​SMS​ marketing.

If you want others to sell your product with just a click, do affiliate marketing.

Digital marketing is affordable, target-able and measurable, and hence ​businesses do it and marketers love it.

​So the crux is.​

​You can start digital marketing, for free.

You can create a fan page, twitter handle, or email campaign, now.

You can learn digital marketing by doing it.

For more about Digital Marketing, get intouch with www.etherdigitalmarketing.com

Friday, 25 December 2015

Why Mobile Marketing (Android) is Most important in Coming Days?

Google plans to hire more resources in India for Android. Google has planned to train 20 lakh people in Android for their future plans.

Google Looks India as Potential partner for Android Development.

Google may name the next Android Version with Indian sweets related.

Android users in India will overcome number of users in USA by 2016.

Android phone is now in almost every ones hand.

Google is set to launch Project LOON for providing internet connectivity to rural areas. So rural area is set to go for Android phones in coming days.

Android going to play a BIG role in Mobile Marketing.
Google and India ready for ANDROID next version. Are you ready for change?

For more information on Mobile Marketing, visit www.etherdigitalmarketing.com

Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Digital Marketing becoming Essential

Digital Marketing is an Internet term widely used as measurable, interactive marketing of products or services using digital technologies to reach potential buyers. The objective is to create brand awareness, make comfortable and increase sales through various digital marketing strategies and techniques.

Four Major categories pointing to success of Digital Marketing are:
Website - Brand Awareness
Social Networking - Customer Engage
Search - For Leads
Mobile - Available anywhere, anytime

In this web world, every product or services has to promoted to Digital Marketing Strategies in-order to stay in competition and projecting yourself reach for all audience.

You can easily put your foot to Digital Marketing Media and that will be the wise decision taking in this modern internet world.

Not too late, visit www.etherdigitalmarketing.com for Free Consulting on Digital Marketing